Home News Israel Hezbollah LIVE: Hassan Nasrallah assassinated | 85 tons of GBU-31 & Spice 2000 bombs used Israel Hezbollah LIVE: Hassan Nasrallah assassinated | 85 tons of GBU-31 & Spice 2000 bombs used Daily Editor Sep 29, 2024 comments off Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Pinterest Hassan Nasrallah executed hezbollah attack on israel hezbollah chief death hezbollah chief killed? Hezbollah chief responds to lebanon Hezbollah headquarters hezbollah israel gaza war hezbollah israel latest news hezbollah latest news hezbollah new chief is nasrallah alive? israel defense forces israel hamas war israel hezbollah war israel news nasrallah daughter killed nasrallah hezbollah nasrallah killed Who is nasrallah who is sayyed Nasrallah wion